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Wine Myths Debunked

It has happened to almost everyone who is either entering the wonderful world of wine or to wine enthusiasts who have a vast knowledge about the industry and wine making. At times, misconceptions or even rumors can get repeated enough times that they turn into truths in some people’s minds. You have probably heard these wine myths before and are about to be surprised that they are going to be debunked.

Wine Myth #1 – Sulfites Cause Headaches

Unless you have a sensitivity to sulfites, they are most likely not the cause of reason for causing a headache. Skins and seeds used to make red wines have tannins that are more likely the cause of headaches in many wine consumers. If you find that you are getting a headache every time you have a glass of red wine, try choosing white wine the next time your drink wine. White wines are not made with the skins or seeds of the grapes and therefore do not contain tannins. White wine may be a more suitable option for you. If you don’t want to give up your red wine, you can also order an older vintage, which contains less tannins.

Wine Myth #2 – Big Corporations Only Make Good Wine, Not Great Wine.

While not all large corporations make it their priority to make amazing wine, they may commonly focus on making wine that is just good compared to other wines. However, there are many big corporations that have the passion, desire, funds and resources to make great wine that many consumers may find to be excellent. Don’t rule out the big corporations, many of them do have the dedication and drive to produce excellent wine in mass quantities.

Wine Myth #3 – Only Red Wine Has Health Benefits

While it is true that red wines have health benefits from the grape skins and seeds, white wines also have health benefits such as, improving heart function, preventing artery blockage and a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. White wine enthusiasts can rest easy knowing that their favorite wine has health benefits too.

These popular wine myths have prevented many wine enthusiasts from trying new wines or consuming certain wines. These myths have actually prevented you from fully indulging in your experience and held you back from expanding your palate. Now that these common wine myth’s have been debunked, you can truly enjoy wine the way it is meant to be, fearlessly.

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