Don’t Drink the Spit Cup

If it doesn’t register in your memory, the title was inspired by the movie Sideways. I first saw the movie when I was a young thirty one year old mother of three children under the age of five. During that time I didn’t do much of anything except change diapers and clean spit up off my shirt. I did drink wine on the occasional girls night in, but I had never been to an actual winery and admittedly I knew very little about wine. I would have a glass if I went out to dinner and purchased whatever was on sale at the grocery store if it was my turn to buy the wine. 

I was first introduced to wine by my always “over-served” fabulous aunt Jude. She was usually armed with a magnum of Sutter Home white Zinfandel and though the juice wasn’t great, it wasn’t terribly offensive and it did the job at a wedding or family function. Fast forward to my mid thirties and a two week long trip in Italy that sealed my fate in a long lasting relationship with wine. Sorry Aunt Jude it wasn’t the white Zin.

My backstory before we continue, is that I moved in with my Italian grandmother when I was five. We were very poor. I mean blue lunch token, government cheese and powdered milk poor. My bedroom was in her attic that I shared with my two sisters. Our room did not have air conditioning nor was it heated very well and not to shock you, but this Italian American experience did not prepare me for Rome, Florence, Venice or the Tuscan countryside. 

Everything in Italy is special, from the cappuccino and cold mini pizzas under the glass at the gas station to literally any family owned eatery that just happened to make their own cheese, grow the freshest juiciest tomatoes for your salad, had their own olive trees and grape vines. It was everything that second generation immigrants like my mother ran away from to prove they are Americans and everything that made my first generation grandmother the most special person in my life. I didn’t know why until that first trip overseas.

My fondest memory of that trip was the town of Orvieto that we stopped at on our way to Florence. It felt like we were on a narrow bumpy goat path to get there and one of my travel companions was green with car sickness by the time we reached the tippy top of what seemed like a mountain. A friend of mine suggested we stop there and I did some research that landed us at the tiniest of places perched on a hill overlooking their vines and olive grove. I have never spent that many hours at lunch before or since. 

The menu was more of a prop than an actual list of what they had to offer and if you are open to it, they will start bringing you dish after dish without having to order anything. The house wine wasn’t labeled and although it was a medium mystery red we all happily drank two bottles over lunch. The experience wasn’t fancy, but it was special. It felt like being picked up as a child and cuddled in a big warm safe hug. My only regret is that I didn’t schedule more time there. It was an afternoon pit stop that still lives in my heart.

Two years later I traveled to Sonoma and Napa. We stayed at the Renaissance Lodge and took bikes into Sonoma square every morning. Sitting at the Sunflower cafe planning our day, an older gentleman was listening and joined our conversation. He mapped out the most amazing day for us. A winemaking local that even knew the way through the vineyards and where the gates were to get to different properties via bike and off the roads. We gathered rations from the Vella cheese Company and Basque Bakery before heading off on our adventure trusting that we would be able to find the way. We picnicked in the vineyard between tastings and yes we found the secret gate that connects Bart Park to Buena Vista. This day was an experience, but it wouldn’t have happened if we weren’t open to it. 

I now plan all of my travel around wine regions. I go to California so often that many of my followers think I live there year round. There is something magical about being with the winemakers, farmers, local artists and alike that have settled in these places. When you are at a tasting room everything and everyone is part of the experience. It may not be required, but I dress up and I insist that everyone I’m with also dress the part. It’s not a library, but it’s not a bar either and we aren’t there to get drunk although sometimes that accidentally happens. We are there to enjoy nature, the sun peeking through the vines, the cool morning fog, the birds, the bees and our friends old and new. These places deepen our relationships over endless swirling, sniffing and tasting. The wine changes with every passing moment and warms the soul if you stay present. So go, go now and go often, put on your top hat and whatever you do, don’t drink the spit bucket.

We would like to thank Renee Hanson from the wine travel blog for sharing this story with CorkageFee. For more details on her past trips as well as a selection of elegant hats to top off your wine tasting outfit, check them out! “Be open to it and make it special.” 

What does your sign say about your wine preference?

Astrology and wine may seem like unlikely bedfellows, but in fact, the two can be paired together in a surprisingly harmonious way. According to astrological lore, each zodiac sign is associated with certain personality traits and characteristics, and these traits can be reflected in the types of wine that are best suited to each sign. Whether you’re a party-loving Sagittarius or a more laid-back Pisces, there’s a wine out there that’s perfect for you.

Astrology and Wine

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries is a fire sign, known for its bold and adventurous nature. These individuals are always on the go, and they appreciate a wine that can keep up with their active lifestyle. A robust red wine, such as a Cabernet Sauvignon or a Zinfandel, is a great choice for an Aries. These full-bodied wines have strong flavors and a high alcohol content, which will appeal to the bold and daring spirit of an Aries.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus is an earth sign, known for its practicality and stability. These individuals appreciate the finer things in life, and they often have a love for luxury. A rich and sophisticated wine, such as a Pinot Noir or a Bordeaux, is a perfect choice for a Taurus. These wines are known for their depth and complexity, which will appeal to the refined tastes of a Taurus.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini is an air sign, known for its intellect and adaptability. These individuals are always on the go and are often known for their love of socializing. A wine that is versatile and easy to drink, such as a Sauvignon Blanc or a Pinot Grigio, is a great choice for a Gemini. These light and refreshing wines are perfect for sipping at a party or for enjoying on a warm summer day.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer is a water sign, known for its emotional depth and intuition. These individuals are often known for their love of home and family, and they appreciate a wine that is comforting and familiar. A soft and fruity wine, such as a Chardonnay or a Riesling, is a great choice for a Cancer. These wines have a warm and inviting character that will appeal to the nurturing spirit of a Cancer.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo is a fire sign, known for its confidence and charisma. These individuals are the life of the party and are often the center of attention. A bold and commanding wine, such as a Cabernet Sauvignon or a Syrah, is a perfect choice for a Leo. These wines have a strong and assertive character that will appeal to the bold and confident spirit of a Leo.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo is an earth sign, known for its diligence and practicality. These individuals are often known for their attention to detail and their love of order. A wine that is precise and structured, such as a Pinot Noir or a Cabernet Franc, is a great choice for a Virgo. These wines have a refined and elegant character that will appeal to the analytical mind of a Virgo.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra is an air sign, known for its balance and harmony. These individuals are often known for their love of beauty and their desire for peace and tranquility. A wine that is graceful and refined, such as a Pinot Grigio or a Gewurztraminer, is a perfect choice for a Libra. These wines are known for their delicate and floral flavors, which will appeal to the refined and graceful nature of a Libra.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio is a water sign, known for its intensity and passion. These individuals are known for their depth of feeling and their strong will. A wine that is powerful and mysterious, such as a Cabernet Sauvignon or a Syrah, is a great choice for a Scorpio. These wines have a bold and complex character that will appeal to the intense and passionate nature of a Scorpio.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius is a fire sign, known for its enthusiasm and sense of adventure. These individuals are always on the lookout for the next big thing, and they love to try new and exciting things. A wine that is bold and unconventional, such as a Zinfandel or a Petite Sirah, is a perfect choice for a Sagittarius. These wines have a strong and unique character that will appeal to the adventurous spirit of a Sagittarius.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn is an earth sign, known for its discipline and ambition. These individuals are known for their hard work and determination, and they appreciate a wine that is classic and timeless. A wine that is refined and sophisticated, such as a Bordeaux or a Cabernet Sauvignon, is a great choice for a Capricorn. These wines have a rich and complex character that will appeal to the driven and disciplined nature of a Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius is an air sign, known for its independence and originality. These individuals are known for their love of new ideas and their desire to break with tradition. A wine that is unconventional and unique, such as a Viognier or a Vermentino, is a perfect choice for an Aquarius. These wines have a distinct and unusual character that will appeal to the independent and innovative nature of an Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces is a water sign, known for its sensitivity and intuition. These individuals are known for their deep and emotional nature, and they appreciate a wine that is soft and soothing. A wine that is gentle and ethereal, such as a Riesling or a Moscato, is a great choice for a Pisces. These wines have a delicate and floral character that will appeal to the sensitive and intuitive nature of a Pisces.

In conclusion, each astrological sign has its own unique characteristics and traits, and these traits can be reflected in the types of wine that are best suited to each sign. Whether you’re a bold and daring Aries or a sensitive and intuitive Pisces, there’s a wine out there that’s perfect for you. So the next time you’re looking for a bottle to enjoy, consider your astrological sign and choose a wine that speaks to your personality and preferences. To discover BYOW restaurants in your area and bring your perfect bottle of wine, download the CorkageFee app today

Cooking with Wine: Marinades to Reductions

Cooking with wine is a great way to add depth of flavor and complexity to your dishes. Whether you’re using it as a marinade, a braising liquid, or simply a deglazing agent, wine can take your cooking to the next level.

Wine Marinades

One popular way to use wine in cooking is as a marinade. A red wine marinade, for example, can be a great way to infuse flavor into meats such as beef, lamb, or pork. To make a simple red wine marinade, combine a cup of red wine, a quarter cup of olive oil, a few cloves of minced garlic, and some fresh herbs such as thyme or rosemary in a bowl. Mix everything together, then add your meat to the bowl and toss to coat. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour, or overnight for even more flavor.

Braising with Wine

Another way to use wine in cooking is as a braising liquid. Braising is a method of cooking that involves browning meat or vegetables in oil, then simmering them in a flavorful liquid for an extended period of time. Wine makes a great braising liquid because it adds a rich, complex flavor to the dish. To braise meat in wine, simply brown the meat in a pan with some oil, then add a cup or two of wine and enough chicken or beef broth to cover the meat. Bring the liquid to a simmer, then cover the pan and place it in the oven to cook.

Deglazing with Wine

Deglazing is a quick and easy way to use wine in cooking. When you sauté meat or vegetables, they release juices and bits of food that stick to the bottom of the pan. These bits, called fond, are packed with flavor. To deglaze a pan, you simply add a liquid such as wine to the pan, and use a wooden spoon to scrape the bottom of the pan and dissolve the fond. As the liquid comes to a simmer, it will reduce, thicken and intensify the flavors. Using wine in this way will give you a deep rich sauce that can be served over the cooked meat, vegetables or even rice.

Wine Reductions 

Wine can also be used to make a reduction, a process that is similar to deglazing but with a more concentrated flavor. A wine reduction is made by simmering wine in a pan until it reduces by at least half. The result is a thick, syrupy liquid that has a concentrated wine flavor and can be used as a sauce or glaze.

Which wine to cook with? 

When cooking with wine, it’s important to remember that the flavor of the wine will be concentrated as it cooks, so it’s best to use a wine that you would enjoy drinking. Avoid using wines that are “cooking wines”, as they often have a high salt content and can be of low quality.

It’s always better to use good quality wine in cooking. One cup of wine for the dish and one glass of wine for the cook! 

In summary, cooking with wine is a delicious and easy way to add depth of flavor to your dishes. Whether you’re using it as a marinade, a braising liquid, or simply a deglazing agent, wine can help take your cooking to the next level. 

When you have your list of favorite wines to “cook” with and would like to take it with you to enjoy out at a restaurant, download the CorkageFee app to find the nearest BYOW restaurant near you.